School Belonging - Why and How to Help Students Belong

School Belonging - Why and How to Help Students Belong
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School Belonging - Why and How to Help Students Belong

Fostering a sense of belonging at school is something many educators strive for. Beyond an idealistic goal, belonging is an important factor for student well-being and success throughout schooling and into adulthood.

Benefits associated with school belonging include:

  • Increased academic motivation,
  • Better school completion,
  • Higher levels of happiness,
  • High self-esteem, and
  • Stronger self-identity.

Students who lack belonging have higher levels of absenteeism and misconduct, and are more likely to be involved in bullying, vandalism, and disruptive behaviour. Students who don’t feel they belong at school generally experience more emotional distress and engage in more risk-taking behaviours.

Some students are more likely to feel they don’t belong at school. Students who have moved to Australia or are learning English at school can experience a significant disconnect from their peers. Students who identify as LGBTQI are likely to experience higher rates of harassment and social exclusion. For this reason, it is particularly important to provide support to these students and create an environment where they can feel welcome and safe at school.

Teacher support has one of the largest effects on school belonging, alongside personal characteristics, meaning teachers really do have an impact. Happier students generally report better relationships with their teachers. School belonging can also relate to the number of group memberships and extracurricular activities a student is involved with; such as sports teams, clubs, music groups, and leadership positions.

What can educators do to help students belong?

Teachers and schools who value mutual respect, fairness, community, encouragement, and care can help students feel safe and secure at school. Students who feel that their teachers are caring and fair are more likely to feel a sense of belonging.

Schools can support student-teacher relationships with activities and student inductions at the start of the year. Students should know that their teachers are available for support when they need it.

Students rely on peers to develop community and connection. Schools should encourage student leaders who can communicate the value of school belonging to their peers.

Connect with parents to create a supportive environment at both home and school.

Belonging is associated with a wide range of positive outcomes for students in all aspects of their life. As an educator, it is your role to consistently demonstrate support for your students. Make sure your school is providing the support students need to belong and to thrive.

Allen, Kelly, et al. “What schools need to know about fostering school belonging: A meta-analysis.” Educational Psychology Review 30.1 (2018): 1-34.

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